Alexandra Dulski


Artist Statement

The works in this series explore and question gender roles and stereotypes within work and domestic environments. Throughout history, men have been the breadwinners who come home to a fully cooked meal made by a woman. But today, everyone has career goals no matter their gender identity. Women have worked hard to break down barriers put up in male-dominated work environments, such as in the sports industry. Similarly, men are now able to explore hobbies and careers that had a feminine label in the past, such as taking care of the housework and cooking.  

Although we’ve made great progress as a society, there are still issues that need to be talked about more often to keep moving in a positive direction. Many environments can be toxic for someone who is a minority within a group of individuals. If people instead chose to celebrate everyone’s individual successes life would be different. From the females who work in the male-dominated sports industry to males who take care of the housework and cooking, many have found their own success in life despite society saying, “You can’t”. 

Artist Bio

Alexandra Dulski, b. 2001 in Plainfield IL, attended Northern Illinois University and received her BFA in Photography in May 2023. She is an artist who creates work about women empowerment, society, and questioning the roles we play in our work environments. Feeling stuck in a male dominated work environment, she wants to use her photos to explore that environment from a different perspective. Using certain individuals as inspiration to navigate the different aspects of peoples’ lives.  

She uses photography to capture the passion behind each individual and tell a story through their expressions. Her process includes interviewing her subjects while photographing them to create genuine conversation, which allows her to learn more about other peoples’ perspectives.  

Dulski has had work shown in galleries such as (Un)process(ing), Gallery 215; Past & Pleasant, Annette and Jerry Johns Gallery and Ellwood Historic House. Her work was selected to be included in the 2023 Blick Ars Nova Exhibition in the Jack Olson Gallery.  

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sounds like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest.


Chloe Insley


Edwin Perez-Hernandez