Luke Pisha


Artist Statement

Various different tropes in the media we consume have made us see a very one-dimensional view of masculinity. In my work, I want to break those tropes and bend them to offer a more refreshing view of masculinity. Playing with different genres allows for the exploration of "what it means to be a man" in the contexts of those stories. Also, the cartoon-like style calls back to the time when harmful stereotypes about masculinity were present in the media. This is so we can reflect back on those times and look forward to a more inclusive and accepting time. One where there is no shame in living up to the old standard of what "being a man" is.

Artist Bio

Luke Pisha was born and raised in the suburbs of Oswego, Illinois. From a young age, he has always had a passion for drawing and conjuring up ideas. Over time, Pisha has learned to represent ideas from different perspectives and genres while making people laugh in the process.  He graduated from Northern Illinois University in 2022 with a Bachelor in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Illustration. In his spare time, Luke loves to play video games and watch movies with his friends.


Ariel Sargent


Maria Jonas (2022)