Bekah Hallberg


Artist Statement

Growing up with an anxiety disorder, I found comfort in the audible word. Whether this was in the form of films, story games, audio books, this was where I could escape into different narratives. Temporarily forgetting reality and allowing myself to get lost in what I was hearing and or seeing, got me through unbearable days. Now that I am an adult, I want to give back to what gives me comfort. My art depicts creative imagery that is backed up by stories. In my work, you can find anything from movie posters too editorial magazine spreads. I am visually inspired by photorealistic imagery and mentally inspired by mystery as well as helping. These can be stimulated by social constructs, ideas, and news that I want to bring to life in a visual way. Throughout my work I show the viewer a creative visual solution to stories

National Geographic Gif

EvolutionGif, Digital, 6 seconds


About Me

Grew up in the country side of Elgin IL, animals, theater, and friends make up a majority of my child hood. Started community college in 2016 and then took a gap year to work and discover what I wanted to do. I found Illustration and entered the Illustration program at NIU. Graduated at 24 with my BFA Emphasis in Illustration overcoming a few hurtles along the way.

Thriving with a passion for art, I now have a portfolio with Book, Magazine, Poster, and Technical Illustrations. Art can be a natural skill, however, like most things, practice makes perfect.


Mallory Albright (Copy)


Holly Bulthuis (2022)