jacob scheel

time arts

Artist Statement

Throughout my work as an artist I have always felt that art is inseparable from emotions. Where one is the other follows and whether it be through my photography, abstract works, or my animations I have always tried to strongly evoke different feelings. What I love about being an artist is the ability to create something as simple as a still picture, and have that impact someone on an emotional level. I like to work in a wide variety of mediums and have been working to narrow down what I work best within. 

Cursed, 2023, 2D/3D video game, 1920x1080

Tentacle Tale, 2023, 2D Game, 1920x1080

Old Town, 2023, 3D Game, 1920x1080


Jacob Scheel is a photographer and illustrator currently located in Dekalb, Illinois. He has worked on several photo series revolving around animals and other elements from nature, as well as created several 3D games and 2D animations for his academic career at Northern Illinois University, where he graduated with a BFA in Art Studio and Design: Design and Media Arts, with a minor in Photography. His works often draw inspiration from Anime and Manga, as he is very interested in storytelling and the impact stories can hold emotionally. During his free time he likes to practice his drawing skills and continue to improve his digital art, regularly going out to find new subject matters to photograph, watching movies and playing video games with his friends, and creating content on social media.  



Isaac Luanginkone


John Haberstitch