Mallory Albright


Artist Statement

Interpreting the words of others through a visual format, I find to be a challenging, as well an exciting process to undertake whether they were written in the 21st century or thousands of years ago. My work focuses on mythological or fictional figures from stories that focus on the duality of the divine feminine and masculine, the theme of chaos and order, and fairy tales that have had a special place in my heart since childhood.  These works are created with watercolors and/or gouache with backgrounds with different textures or decorative patterns inspired by historical trends in architecture, textiles, or cuisine. 

Artist Bio

Mallory was raised in Mackinaw, IL, a small farming town in the central Illinois area. There, she graduated from Illinois Central College with an Associate’s degree in Art in 2018 and is now a recent graduate of  Northern Illinois University where she earned her B.F.A with an emphasis in Illustration. Her favorite things to do in her spare time are going out to Shabbona Lake with her husband and creating watercolor illustrations based on mythological tales.


Dorothy Bryant(2022)


Samantha Poe